Saturday, April 24, 2010

El ir a Perú

El ir a Perú, amigos. Going to Peru, friends.

That's right. I get to spend a week and a half this summer helping and serving the people of Comas, Peru (a city 30 miles north of Lima).

Of all the things we get to do including leadership training, evangelistic outreach, and technical work on the school, the thing I look forward to most is the 5-day clubs we will put on for the children of the area.

I love children, and getting to serve the children of Comas, Peru is a blessing beyond comparison to me. This is what I've been dreaming of for years - getting to teach children, love children, in third-world countries. I can't explain how excited and blessed I am!

The trip will be in late July/early August, so I've got quite a bit of time to prepare. But, to me, it's never to early. I've already started writing support letters, and thinking of ways to raise the needed money for the trip. I'm also memorizing John 3:16 in Spanish (which I cannot speak at all). And, yesterday to top it off, I bought an album off of iTunes called "Viva la Musica Peruana" (The Music of Peru Alive).

I would ask that you all pray for the unity of our team, that we will hear and follow what God's will is for us, and that we will bless the people of Comas as I'm sure they will bless us!

Gracias por sus oraciones!

Porque tanto amo Dios al mundo que dio a su hijo unigentio, para que todo el que cree en el no se piedra sino que tenga la vida eterna.
- Juan 3:16

1 comment:

  1. oh my gosh!!! you will have so much fun doing God's work!!!

    May God be with you,
    - Hannah R.
